Offene Stellen

Wir sind der festen Überzeugung, dass unsere Mitarbeiter die Grundlage für unsere täglichen Erfolge sind. Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Lebenserfahrungen fördern die Dynamik des Unternehmens und tragen zu seiner Einzigartigkeit bei.

Wir schulen Menschen, um sie auf die Branche zu spezialisieren, in der wir tätig sind, und ermutigen sie, Verantwortung zu übernehmen und helfen Ihnen dabei, sich beruflich zu weiterzuentwickeln. Wir suchen tatendurstige Menschen, die sich mit Engagement, Neugier und Initiative in neue Projekte einbringen und in Teams arbeiten möchten.


Entdecken Sie unsere Karrieremöglichkeiten und werden Sie Teil der Sirmax Unternehmensgruppe.



Junior R&D Developer – Expatriate Program

The Junior R&D Developer reports hierarchically to the Development Manager. Supports research projects focused on Polypropylene and/or Technopolymers compounding by working in team with R&D department. Deals with product industrialization, following material transition from pilot lines to production plant. Makes detailed observations, performs special laboratory analysis and interprets results. Prepares technical reports and quantitative & qualitative analysis related to the project.
The resource will be involved in a training program for about 8 months in Italy. At the end of the training period, the resource will go to work in our plant in Sirmax North America, Anderson - USA.
Cittadella (Padova, Italy + Anderson, USA)

ASPP - Addetto al Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione

L’ASPP collabora con il RSPP/Enviromental Manager, al fine di garantire la sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro, la prevenzione dei rischi, la protezione dei lavoratori, la tutela dell’ambiente, nel rispetto dei requisiti di legge in materia di salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro (D.Lgs 81/08) e in materia ambientale (D.Lgs 152/06).San Vito al Tagliamento (Pordenone, Italia)

Junior R&D Developer

The Junior R&D Developer reports hierarchically to the Development Manager. Supports research projects focused on Polypropylene and/or Technopolymers compounding by working in team with R&D department. Deals with product industrialization, following material transition from pilot lines to production plant. Makes detailed observations, performs special laboratory analysis and interprets results. Prepares technical reports and quantitative & qualitative analysis related to the project.San Vito al Tagliamento (Pordenone, Italy)

Financial Manager – Expatriate Program

The financial manager is responsible for the complete administrative-accounting process and ensures the development, maintenance, and strengthening of internal controls, ensuring the quality of financial transactions and reporting, supporting management in strategic-financial decisions, and oversees accounting processes.

The resource will be involved in a training program for about 8 months in Italy. At the end of the training period, the resource will go to work in our plant in Sirmax North America, Anderson - USA.
Cittadella (Padova, Italy) + Anderson (USA)

Raw Material Buyer

The Buyer/Sourcing Specialist/Procurement Specialist seeks reliable vendors and/or suppliers to provide quality goods at reasonable prices. Negotiation of prices and contracts on the base of the technical specifications, components, and equipment is the focus of this job. He/She can enter in a multinational environment and to get in contact with global suppliers.Anderson (USA)

Maintenance Operator (mechanical/electrical)

The Maintenance Operator performs electrical and/or mechanical maintenance work, preventive or on call for failure, and conducts service activities, to ensure that production machinery/equipment functions correctly and allow the normal work performance. The key areas of activity are diagnostics, performing repairs, and preventing breakdowns and faults.
Cittadella (Padova, Italy) + Anderson (USA)

Junior R&D Developer

The R&D Jr. Developer is responsible for research and development projects focused on polypropylene compounds. In this position, the R&D Jr. Developer will lead pilot - level extrusion trials, perform specific laboratory analysis, and analyze results. In addition, the Jr. Developer will prepare technical reports and presentations to communicate research findings. Anderson (USA)

Senior Buyer - Indirect

The Senior Buyer - Indirect has a global vision of the markets and holds a strategic role by managing purchases (in economic, financial and supply chain aspects) with responsibility for the product competence categories and for all group plants. Collaborates with the Buyers of all group plants.Cittadella (Padova, Italy)

Junior Controller - Stage

The Junior controller supports AFC team in reporting and analysis activities, in line with defined rules and criteria at group level. Supervises management control processes, in particular the analysis of budget deviations, for all group companies.Cittadella (Padova, Italy)

Thesis Project

Sirmax offers many topics related to innovative projects.
The possibility for the Thesis Project is subject to the availability of a Tutor and to the agreement with the Professor.
It is possibile to eventually add a 3/6 months period of internship.
Cittadella (Padova, Italy)

Spontane Bewerbung

Bei der Auswahl unserer Mitarbeiter gehen wir mit äußerster Sorgfalt vor und legen großen Wert darauf, auf ihre Ambitionen und Wünsche zu hören.
Wir möchten erfahren, welche beruflichen Möglichkeiten Sie bei Sirmax erkennen und wie unser Unternehmen Sie in Ihrem Wachstumsprozess unterstützen kann. Zögern Sie also nicht, sich mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen, auch wenn Ihr Profil nicht zu den derzeit gesuchten gehört: Ein erfolgreiches Team lebt von Eigeninitiative.

Um uns zu helfen, die für Sie am besten geeignete Stelle zu finden, füllen Sie bitte die Pflichtfelder auf jeder der beiden Seiten des unten stehenden Formulars aus.


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